Simple Vegetarian Meals – Lemon Kale and Bean Salad Recipe

This post was sponsored by S&W Beans as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own. Spring is officially here and our girls are getting so excited about summer!! With the warmer weather coming to Southern California I’ve really started to focus more on our health. I really want to also continue to tone my body as well and dialing in on my diet while continuing weight lifting at the gym.  Not only that but this winter brutal with our girls getting sick a lot but I’ve also learned a lot recently about the real power of eating more plant based foods.

Now getting my girls to eat more plant based foods has it’s own unique struggles but kids like to be involved. Let your kids grow a garden and eat the veggies or take them shopping for things they want to to try. Like kale is fun to grow, it’s bland and not that fun so we find creative ways to get our kids to eat it. Most salads you can use little bits of kale and mix it in with an organic butter lettuce. My kids go nuts for that stuff.

I am a vegetarian which I have been for almost five years now so sometimes when it comes to meals we have to mix it up and make it fun! S&W Beans make every dish more exciting and beans are a really great way to get in extra protein. Their premium quality beans also come in varieties like organic and low sodium. They’re always fresh and also such an easy thing to have in our pantry for meals.  

Lemon Kale and Bean Salad Recipe 

Ingredients – 

  • kale
  • butter lettuce
  • S&W Red Kidney Beans
  • S&W Garbanzo Beans
  • carrots
  • squash
  • broccoli
  • lemon
  • olive oil
  • salt and pepper

The best thing about using a lot of veggies and the beans is that you have a lot of texture in your salad. You don’t need a heavy dressing simple lemon and olive oil with salt and pepper to taste is all you need.

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