This post was sponsored by S&W Beans as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own. Spring is officially here and our girls are getting so excited about summer!! With the warmer weather coming to Southern California I’ve really started

I have been wanting to do an online fitness training for some time so I was so happy to actually to get to try BOOST BASICS. Finally fitness made fun for the whole family!! BOOST BASICS is all about showing families how to live a healthy life as a whole.

Fun Activities
Exciting and creative activities to keep the whole family entertained and engaged together.
Family Foods
Delicious recipes and meal ideas that bring joy and togetherness to family dining.
Staying Active
Tips and routines to keep the family healthy, fit, and active every day.
One of the things we want our girls to connect with is their pasta and their family. They have family in the US, Mexico and actually all over the world. One of the things I loved so much about Disney’s Coco is how the movie inspires us all to look

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